

These Pages Last Forever


For six years, Paige Paxton has been an exploratory librarian for The Athenaeum Institute, a bureaucratic organization responsible for hoarding–er, collecting and protecting–rare but powerful magic books that work as portals into illusionary worlds that feel as real as, well, the real world. However, since said real world is scheduled to end on Tuesday, Paige is out of a job. Before she leaves, she does the unthinkable: steals a book.

Now, with a little over 12 hours until the end of the world, she plans to ignore the apocalypse and dive into a 1920s fantasy, following an earnest country boy bumbling his way through investigating the shady corporation that destroyed everything he loves. But portal books have only ever allowed the Athenaeum’s librarians to see these illusion worlds, never interact.

When the villain of the story not only speaks to Paige but invites her to abandon the story she’s following and go on her own adventure through their world, she begins to wonder whether this dimension is real, a genuine place where she can escape the apocalypse in her own world—or whether reality can simply be a matter of believing hard enough.







Content Warnings

Arson/fire (primarily off page, fire put out on page)

Minor car accident; person struck by car (on page; minor injuries)

Alcohol use in scenes set in bar/nightclub

Misgendering (single instance, on page)

Gun violence (on page)

Blood (on page, no gore)

Video Trailer